Rvs-Cde  Council of State

Application for suspension contained in the application for annulment

If the application for suspension is contained in the application for annulment, its heading has to mention clearly that it contains both a ‘beroep tot nietigverklaring’, a ‘requête en annulation’ or a ‘Nichtigkeitsantragschrift’ and a ‘vordering tot schorsing’, a ‘demande de suspension’ or an ‘Aussetzungsantrag’. The application must also explain why the case is too urgent to be dealt with only in an action for annulment. Nine certified copies must be enclosed with an application for annulment that also contains an application for suspension.

Note containing observations – administrative file

The Registry notifies the application to the opposing party. This party has fifteen days at its disposal to submit its observations and to deposit the administrative file.

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