Rvs-Cde  Council of State

Legal powers

As an advisory and jurisdictional institution at the junction of the legislative, executive and judicial powers, the Council of State owes its existence in essence to the wish of the legislator to offer recourse to all natural and legal persons being wronged by irregular administrative acts.  

As a result, the most important competence of the Council of State is related to its power to suspend and to annul administrative acts (individual and statutory) that are contrary to the legal rules in force.

However, protecting against the arbitrary acts of public administration is not the only task of the Council. It is also an advisory body in legislative and statutory matters.

The Council of State is also the Administrative Supreme Court. As a cassation court it reviews the external and internal legality of the decisions of lower administrative jurisdictions. The Council of State cannot reconsider the facts leading to the dispute.

The Council of State rules by means of judgments on the applications.
The main purpose of this website is therefore to give the public access to these judgments.
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